4 Tips for Web Design for Small Business

Those of you who own a small business know all about the importance of your website. However, you may not be keeping on top of it. Your website is the new business card, and it is essential that it is up to date, elegant, and at the top of everyone’s mind. Below we will share some of our expertise on web design for small business.

1. Small Business Web Design Should be Unique

Your small business is unique and your website should follow suit. Your potential buyers are no doubt searching for businesses just like yours. Say they encounter the following scenario:
  1. They encounter the leading competitor. Their website is decent, and so is their response time.
  2. Your second leading competitor comes up on the search. The website is outdated, but the response time is good.
  3. Yours is the third site they encounter. The website is amazing, responsive, and answers many of their questions up front. Your response time is just as good or better than there’s.
Who do they go with? Who would you go with? Yes, you need to have what they need, when they need it, and at their budget. However, a good site can let them know that up front.

2. Web Design That Targets Your Audience

It isn’t enough to have a cookie cutter website. Yours should be tailored to your target audience. Are you a B2B? You want to target older visitors who are probably visiting from a desktop or laptop who will present your company to their boss. Are you a B2C? You may be more likely to see visitors from a mobile device who want answers fast or they go on to the next. Everyone from HVAC to writers to personal injury lawyers must know their audience, what they want, and how to give it to them in a timely and expert manner.

3. Web Maintenance for Continued Safety

Did you know that some sites are considered un-safe? It isn’t necessarily because of the content. Many spammers, malware delivery systems, and more are out there attempting to sabotage sites of all types and sizes. It is is similar to how you must protect your device from outside threats. However, most business owners have neither the time nor know how on how to keep their site safe. Unfortunately, if a search engine marks you as unsafe, you will be dropped in their rankings. In addition, visitors may get warnings when attempting to visit your site about the unsafe nature.

4. Ecommerce for Your Site

One of the best ways to generate revenue from your site is to actually use it to sell items directly. You can do anything from sell a good or service you directly provide, as well as link to any affiliate accounts you may have. There are tons of ways to use your site to make a sale. For example, have a giant inventory you can’t move locally? Try offering it for sale on your site.

More on Web Design for Small Business

Don’t use the same web design as everyone else. Stay a step ahead by utilizing the best in web design practices and principles to make the most out of your “digital salesman.” If you need help getting your website looking its best, feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can help.

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