6 Common Mistakes Many WordPress Users Make

Houston Common Mistakes Many Wordpress Users Make

WordPress currently has over 400 million users across the globe. You may be one of them. We definitely are as this site is indeed run on the WordPress CMS. It does provide a lot of great features for looking to create a website. However, inexperienced users can commit some big mistakes in spite of all the online tutorials out there. Below we will review the some of the most common and disastrous WordPress mistakes you may be committing right now. These mistakes affect the search engine ranking your site and can even do damage to your online reputation.

1. Not Getting an SSL

Houston Common Mistakes Many WordPress Users Make1

See that lock next to our url? This means we have a Secure Sockets Layer, also known as a safety protocol that guards the security of data sent over the internet which uses encryption. Many browsers including Chrome, Safari, as well as many others may not even let you visit a site that does not have one – which can greatly hurt your traffic not to mention your SEO rankings. The good news is many hosting providers offer a free SSL, such as one of our favorites: Bluehost.

2. Choosing the Wrong Theme

You may already know that WordPress offers a range of paid (as well as free) SEO optimized themes for your site that can be very fruitful in the quest for leading online rankings. It can be harmful for your business to use an outdated theme that does not offer features such as responsive display, quick loading times, ability to easily edit, etc. A few of our current favorites include but are not limited to:

  • H-Code WordPress Theme
  • The Gem WordPress Theme
  • The X WordPress Theme
  • The Bridge WordPress Theme
  • Un Code WordPress Theme
  • The Flash WordPress Theme

I wrote an article for WP Buffs which has much more on recommended themes you may view by clicking here.

3. Not Purchasing a Domain

Yes, you may get a free domain on some sites, even WordPress. However, your name with a subdomain of wordpress.com will not be impressive to any visitors who happen upon your site. Your site only runs well when it meets the need of your target audience. A proper domain name provides you with an official identity and is the sort of “brick and mortar” version of the online world showing your dedication to your name. Your domain also prepares expectations for your visitors to set their expectations for businesses such as restaurants, law firms, retail stores, as well as many others. Not purchasing your own domain can also damage the traffic to hurt your overall search engine ranking. Best of all, many domains can be purchased for as little as a few dollars.

4. Not Properly Using Images

Your pages need at least one image each. It isn’t enough to simply upload then place your images. Firstly, they must be scaled. For example, many banners are sized 1920 by 1080 pixels. Upload an image of that size if you are displaying in that size. Secondly, it is not enough just to upload a scaled image. It should also be compressed. A dot per image (dpi) ratio of 72 is enough for the web. Many images can have a dpi of 300, or a quality best suited for printing. Be sure to compress with a tool like Tiny Jpeg before uploading. Third and last, just because you find an image during a search does not mean you can use it. Most of these images are licensed making them unavailable to anyone who happens to copy and paste them. We like sites such as Shutter stock which is great for paid images. Pexels has many great images that are free to use at no charge.

5. Too Many Plugins / Outdated Plugins / Vulnerable Plugins

WordPress plugins can be a great way to add a bit functionality to your site like a form, great page builder, calendar, etc. However, some of these plugins are not all they are cracked up to be. Too many plugins can also slow the load time of your site. Your visitors may not want to wait for more than 2 or 3 seconds for your site to load. Additionally, many of the functions performed by plugins can be done without if you know how to.

We recommend checking this list from First Site Guide to see if your desired plugin has been compromised before installing it.

6. Keep it Secure

Did you know the default username for your WordPress site is “admin?” Hackers do. Trying to get into your site becomes all the easier should you decide to keep this moniker as your username. Instead, choose one that is more difficult to decipher, such as your nickname with a few numbers thrown in. WordPress allows you to change which name is displayed on your blog posts, so go nuts. The same goes for your password.

It is also important to keep all the themes and plugins used on your site updated. But who has time to check? No worries. You may insert a bit of code onto your wp-config.php file to tell your site to automatically update.

Use the below to automatically update your plugins:

add_filter( ‘auto_update_plugin’, ‘__return_true’ );

Use the below to automatically update your themes:

add_filter( ‘auto_update_theme’, ‘__return_true’ );

More on Common Mistakes WordPress Users Make

Don’t make these costly WordPress mistakes. Have a professional or two review your site to see if they can help. If you need help getting your WordPress site looking its best, contact us.

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